By: Lucille Anderson
An inspiring and insightful in-depth study and spiritual devotional that focuses on the book of Habakkuk and his experiences calling out to the Lord for support, strength, and guidance during his time of crisis. With pragmatic activities and close biblical readings, the author invites readers to learn more about the character of Habakkuk so that they can likewise learn something about both themselves and, most importantly, God’s way.”
By: Linda Carvelli
An inspirational memoir of love, loss, and resilience. It introduces a cast of real, relatable characters who will have you crying, laughing, and ultimately rejoicing in Linda’s triumph and determination to make sense of the overwhelming heartbreak she endured. Linda's transformation validates the power of self-reflection by uncovering her life purpose. This insightful memoir reveals nuggets of wisdom to reassure you as you face your own life lemons/lessons.
The aim of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching or CBC as it is known, is to develop ways of thinking and associated behaviours that are more productive and likely to assist an individual reach their desired goals in life.